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The effect of larval photoperiod on pupal colour and diapause in swallowtail butterflies
Institution:Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia
  • 1 There are significant differences in the effects of larval photo-period on diapause and pupal colour among the species Papilio polyxenes Fabr., P.troilus L., Battus philenor (L.) and Eurytides marcellus (Cramer).
  • 2 Diapause and pupal colour in P.polyxenes and P.troilus are strongly influenced by larval photoperiod, short photophase eliciting brown diapausing pupae. Photoperiods of 15L:9D permit the expression of the green and brown pupal colour alternatives.
  • 3 Pupal colour in B.philenor and E.marcellus is not affected by larval photoperiod, but short photophase induces diapause in these species.
  • 4 All species except B.philenor show an association between brown pupal colour and diapause: Emarcellus when reared on long (midsummer) photophase, P.polyxenes and P.troilus when reared on short (autumnal) photophase.
  • 5 In P.polyxenes, short photophase can affect pupal colour responses directly, whether the individual enters diapause or not.
  • 6 Differences among the species are related to differences in the ecology of their natural pupation sites.
Keywords:Photoperiod  pupal dimorphism  diapause  Papilioninae
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