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Osmotic parameters of red blood cells from umbilical cord blood
Authors:Mariia Zhurova  Locksley E. McGann  Jason P. Acker
Affiliation:1. Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, 8249-114 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R8, Canada;2. Research and Development, Canadian Blood Services, 8249-114 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R8, Canada
Abstract:The transfusion of red blood cells from umbilical cord blood (cord RBCs) is gathering significant interest for the treatment of fetal and neonatal anemia, due to its high content of fetal hemoglobin as well as numerous other potential benefits to fetuses and neonates. However, in order to establish a stable supply of cord RBCs for clinical use, a cryopreservation method must be developed. This, in turn, requires knowledge of the osmotic parameters of cord RBCs. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize the osmotic parameters of cord RBCs: osmotically inactive fraction (b), hydraulic conductivity (Lp), permeability to cryoprotectant glycerol (Pglycerol), and corresponding Arrhenius activation energies (Ea). For Lp and Pglycerol determination, RBCs were analyzed using a stopped-flow system to monitor osmotically-induced RBC volume changes via intrinsic RBC hemoglobin fluorescence. Lp and Pglycerol were characterized at 4 °C, 20 °C, and 35 °C using Jacobs and Stewart equations with the Ea calculated from the Arrhenius plot. Results indicate that cord RBCs have a larger osmotically inactive fraction compared to adult RBCs. Hydraulic conductivity and osmotic permeability to glycerol of cord RBCs differed compared to those of adult RBCs with the differences dependent on experimental conditions, such as temperature and osmolality. Compared to adult RBCs, cord RBCs had a higher Ea for Lp and a lower Ea for Pglycerol. This information regarding osmotic parameters will be used in future work to develop a protocol for cryopreserving cord RBCs.
Keywords:RBC, red blood cell   HbF, fetal hemoglobin   b, osmotically inactive fraction   Lp, hydraulic conductivity   Ps, permeability to solutes   Pglycerol, permeability to glycerol   Ea, Arrhenius activation energy   CPD, citrate&ndash  phosphate&ndash  dextrose   SAGM, Saline&ndash  adenine&ndash  glucose&ndash  mannitol   NaCl, sodium chloride   PBS, phosphate-buffered saline   V, Volt   V/V0, equilibrium relative RBC volume   F/F0, equilibrium relative RBC fluorescence intensity   π0/π, inverse relative osmolality   Pf, osmotic water permeability
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