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Stamenless, a tomato mutant with homeotic conversions in petals and stamens
Authors:Pedro Gómez  Manuel Jamilena  Juan Capel  Sergio Zurita  Trinidad Angosto  Rafael Lozano
Affiliation:(1) Departamento de Biología Aplicada (Unidad de Genética), E. Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Almería, E-04120 Almería, Spain, ES;(2) Departamento de Biología Vegetal, E. Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Almería, E-04120 Almería, Spain, ES
Abstract:A tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) monogenic semidominant mutation, stamenless (sl), which results in homeotic conversions in two adjacent floral whorls, was studied. When grown at standard temperature, flowers of sl/sl plants showed sepaloid petals in the second whorl and strong transformation of stamens to carpels in whorl three. These transformed carpels were fused with each other and with the genuine carpels in the fourth whorl to form a unique gynoecium. The mutation is semidominant since heterozygous plants showed a phenotype intermediate between that of the wild type (WT) and that of homozygous mutant plants, with nearly WT petals but with feminized stamens bearing naked ovules on the base of their adaxial face. The initiation and position of organ primordia in sl/sl flowers were not altered when compared with WT primordia although development of organ primordia in the second and third whorls deviated from WT at an early stage as observed by scanning electron microscopy. The mutant phenotype is temperature sensitive and when sl/sl plants were cultured at low temperature, the morphology of some flowers resembled that of the WT. This reversion of the mutant phenotype is also induced by treatment of young sl/sl plants with gibberellic acid, providing evidence that gibberellin synthesis or sensitivity could mediate the effect of low temperature on the mutant phenotype. Southern blot analyses using a Deficiens-homologous gene from Solanum tuberosum as a probe showed a restriction-fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) linked to the sl mutation. This result indicates that the mutation affects a Deficiens-like gene that controls the identity of petals and stamens. Received: 10 December 1998 / Accepted: 29 March 1999
Keywords:: Floral organ identity  Homeotic mutant  stamenless  DEFICIENS  like gene  Male sterility  Lycopersicon (sl mutant)
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