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Phylogeny of the genus Azospirillum based on 16S rDNA sequence
Authors:Renato Fani  Claudio Bandi  Marco Bazzicalupo  Maria Teresa Ceccherini  Silvia Fancelli  Enzo Gallori  Letizia Gerace  Annamaria Grifoni  Nerino Miclaus  Giuseppe Damiani
Affiliation:Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica "Leo Pardi ", Universitàdi Firenze, Via Romana 17,1–50125 Florence, Italy; Istituto di Patologia Generale Veterinaria, Universitàdi Milano, Via Celoria 10,1–20133 Milan, Italy; Istituto Sperimentale per lo Studio e la Difesa del Suolo P.zza D'Azeglio 30,1–50121 Florence, Italy; IDVGA-CNR, Via Celoria 10,1–20133 Milan, Italy
Abstract:Abstract The 16S rDNA of 17 strains of Azospirillum , 14 assigned to one of the known species A. amazonense A. brasilense A. halopraeferens A. irakense and A. lipoferum , and the other three of uncertain taxonomic position, was sequenced after polymerase chain reaction amplification and analysed in order to investigate the phylogenetic relationships at the intra-generic and super-generic level. The phylogenetic analysis confirms that the genus Azospirillum constitutes a phylogenetically separate entity within the a subclass of Proteobacteria and that the five species are well defined. A. brasilense and A. lipoferum are closely related species and form one cluster together with A. halopraeferens ; the pair of species A. amazonense and A. irakense forms a second cluster in which Rhodospirillum centenum is also placed.
Keywords:Azospirillum    Phylogeny    16S ribosomal DNA    Polymerase chain reaction
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