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Influence of crop background on natural enemies of aphids on Brussels sprouts
Affiliation:Department of Zoology and Applied Entomology, Imperial College, London S. W.7
Abstract:The most abundant natural enemies of aphids on Brussels sprout crops were Syrphidae, different species being attracted differentially to weedy or weed-free plots according to whether they were more host-plant-orientated (e.g. Melanostoma spp., Platycheirus spp.) and thus affected directly by the background, or more aphid-orientated (e.g. Syrphus balteatus) and so less affected by background than by aphid numbers. Oviposition by Melanostoma spp. was usually much greater in weedy sprout crops than on sprouts in bare soil, and their eggs were also very abundant on weeds. Eggs of other syrphid species were scarcer on weeds. In contrast to Melanostoma, Platycheirus spp. usually oviposted preferentially on sprouts growing in bare soil. Oviposition by S. balteatus was in response to aphid abundance and thus tended to become greater on sprouts in bare soil. Notably more adults of non-aphido-phagous Syrphidae were caught over weedy than over non-weedy Brussels sprout plants. Anthocoris nemorum nymphs and adults were very common on sprout plants and weeds in the weedy crop but were scarce on sprouts in bare soil; A. nemorum oviposited on white and yellow charlock (Raphanus raphanistrum and Sinapis arvensis) occasionally. Parasitism of Brevicoryne brassicae by Diaeretiella rapae appeared to be related to aphid numbers and was only indirectly influenced by the crop background. Field experiments with green and brown cloth backgrounds showed that some syrphids were attracted to green; A. nemorum was relatively scarce over both artificial backgrounds. It is concluded that decreased natural enemy action is partly responsible for the initially greater abundance of B. brassicae in a weed-free crop of Brussels sprouts than in a weedy crop.
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