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Dynamics and metamorphosis of an identifiable peptidergic neuron in an insect
Authors:Lynn M. Riddiford  Randall S. Hewes  James W. Truman
Abstract:Eclosion hormone (EH) is a 7000 Da peptide that triggers ecdysis behavior in insects. In the moth, Manduca sexta, EH is found in two pairs of ventromedial (VM) cells in the brain which send their axons down the ventral nerve cord to a neurohemal site in the proctodeal nerve in the larva and pupa. During adult development, these cells send axon collaterals to the corpora cardiaca where they form a new release site used for adult eclosion. Studies of bioassayable peptide during the 5th larval instar and the larval-pupal transformation revealed that after depletion at ecdysis, the VM cells showed a transient increase in EH found in their cell bodies and axons. By contrast, their terminals in the proctodeal nerve showed a gradual accumulation of peptide followed by a release of over 90% of the stored material at pupal ecdysis. In situ hybridization analysis on whole mounts of the brains showed that the VM cells always contained EH mRNA with increased accumulation during the larval and pupal molting periods with a slight decline just before ecdysis. High levels of EH mRNA were found in brains of diapausing pupae. During the first two-thirds of adult development, mRNA accumulated to high levels, then slowly declined until ecdysis. EH mRNA levels up to 3 days after adult eclosion. At no time was EH mRNA found in the lateral neurosecretory cell cluster previously reported to produce EH for adult eclosion. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Keywords:eclosion hormone  Manduca sexta  in situ analysis  whole mounts  metamorphosis  ventromedial neurosecretory cells
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