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Embryo Water Status and Development of the Recalcitrant Species Quercus robur L: Determination of Water Relations Parameters by Pressure-Volume Analysis
Abstract:The water status and water content of embryos of Quercus roburhave been determined during development. Using psychrometers,changes in osmotic potential at full imbibition and the proportionof water at zero reciprocal water potential, R0, were estimatedfrom curves of embryo relative water content and reciprocalwater potential. The specific moisture content of embryos decreasedduring development, with a concomitant increase in the osmoticpotential. However, R0 also increased such that, during thelast four weeks of development, there was little net changein the content of osmoticum per dry weight. Evidence is presentedthat starch stored in the cotyledon may be the major site ofmatrix-bound water, R0. Isolated embryonic axes had a slightly higher osmotic potentialthan the whole embryo but the R0 was much lower. The differencesbetween whole embryo and axis water relations parameters emphasizethe need to take account of R0 when discussing seed water statusand survival. The results are considered in relation to currentmodels of seed water status and recalcitrant behaviour. Key words: Quercus robur L., embryo water relations, development, starch
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