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The effect of intra- and interspecific aggression on patch residence time in Negev Desert gerbils: a competing risk analysis
Authors:Ovadia, Ofer   zu Dohna, Heinrich
Affiliation:a Department of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel b School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, 370 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Abstract:We observed patch-use behavior by two gerbil species in a fieldsetting and investigated how aggression and intrinsic decision-makinginteract to influence patch residence times. Results were interpretedby using a competing risk analysis model, which uniquely enabledus to estimate the intrinsic patch-leaving decisions independentlyof external interruptions of foraging bouts by aggression. Theexperiment was conducted in two 1-ha field enclosures completelysurrounded by rodent-proof fences and included allopatric (onlyGerbillus andersoni allenbyi) and sympatric (G. a. allenbyiand G. pyramidum) treatments. We predicted that increased foodpatch quality (i.e., habitat quality) should decrease intrinsicpatch-leaving rates and increase rates of aggressive interactionsinvolving the forager feeding in the patch (i.e., the occupantindividual). We also anticipated that increasing populationdensity should result in an increase in the rate of aggressiveinteractions involving the occupant individual. Our resultssupported the first two predictions, indicating a trade-offbetween foraging and aggression. However, the third predictionwas realized only for G. a. allenbyi in allopatry. Furthermore,in allopatry, occupant G. a. allenbyi individuals with highcompetitive ranks were involved in aggressive interactions atlower rates than those with low competitive ranks. However,in sympatry, patch-use behavior of occupant G. a. allenbyi individualswas mainly influenced by aggressive behavior of G. pyramidum,which did not respond to their competitive rank. Thus, it shouldpay less for G. a. allenbyi to be aggressive in sympatric populations.The observed reduction in intraspecific aggression among individualG. a. allenbyi in the presence of G. pyramidum supports thisassertion. We suggest that this reduction likely weakens thenegative effect of intra- and interspecific density on the percapita growth rate of G. a. allenbyi. Because this would changethe slope of the isocline of G. a. allenbyi, it could be animportant mechanism promoting coexistence when habitat selectionis constrained.
Keywords:aggression   competing risk method   intrinsic decision-making   patch residence time   patch use   survival analysis.
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