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Observations of cetaceans in the south-east Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean,during summer 2008
Authors:L. Nøttestad  B. A. Krafft  H. Søiland  G. Skaret
Affiliation:1. Institute of Marine Research, P. O. Box 1870, Nordnes, 5817, Bergen, Norway
Abstract:Knowledge of cetacean species composition and their distribution in the south-east Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean is scarce. During a survey in February–March 2008, systematic whale sightings were carried out along transect lines following the 5° and 15° E meridians between 35° and 67° S. In total, 67 toothed whales and 126 baleen whales were observed. Both fin whales (four animals) and Antarctic minke whales Balaenoptera bonaerenses (three animals) in addition to 16 individuals of unidentified species were among the observed baleen whales. The dominating baleen whale species in our study was humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae with 108 individuals observed. They occurred single or in groups up to seven individuals (N mean = 2.5 ind) and eight of the counts were of calves. The relationship between humpback whale occurrence and environmental variables including Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) abundance from acoustic recordings, hydrography, bathymetry and production was tested using general additive models. Only temperature increased the predictive power of the model with whale occurrence increasing with the decreasing temperature in more southern areas.
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