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Peptide-Major Histocompatibility Complex Dimensions Control Proximal Kinase-Phosphatase Balance during T Cell Activation
Authors:Kaushik Choudhuri   Mathew Parker   Anita Milicic   David K. Cole   Michael K. Shaw   Andrew K. Sewell   Guillaume Stewart-Jones   Tao Dong   Keith G. Gould     P. Anton van der Merwe
Abstract:T cell antigen recognition requires binding of the T cell receptor (TCR) to a complex between peptide antigen and major histocompatibility complex molecules (pMHC), and this recognition occurs at the interface between the T cell and the antigen-presenting cell. The TCR and pMHC molecules are small compared with other abundant cell surface molecules, and it has been suggested that small size is functionally important. We show here that elongation of both mouse and human MHC class I molecules abrogates T cell antigen recognition as measured by cytokine production and target cell killing. This elongation disrupted tyrosine phosphorylation and Zap70 recruitment at the contact region without affecting TCR or coreceptor binding. Contact areas with elongated forms of pMHC showed an increase in intermembrane distance and less efficient segregation of CD3 from the large tyrosine phosphatase CD45. These findings demonstrate that T cell antigen recognition is strongly dependent on pMHC size and are consistent with models of TCR triggering requiring segregation or mechanical pulling of the TCR.T cell antigen recognition requires the engagement of the TCR8 with peptide antigen presented on cell surface MHC molecules (pMHC) (1). “Accessory” T cell surface receptors modulate T cell antigen recognition by binding to cell surface ligands on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) (2). The dimensions of the TCR·pMHC complex dictate that TCR binding to pMHC takes places within close contact areas in which the membranes are ∼15 nm apart (35). Many accessory receptor·ligand complexes span similar dimensions to the TCR·pMHC complex and can therefore colocalize with the TCR in such close contact areas (35). Conversely, many cell surface molecules, including two of the most abundant, CD43 and CD45, have much larger ectodomains and would therefore be expected to be excluded or depleted from these close contact areas (3, 6).Signal transduction by the TCR is mediated by the associated CD3 subunits (7). The earliest event that is known to be required for signaling is tyrosine phosphorylation of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs in the cytoplasmic portion of these TCR-associated CD3 subunits. This phosphorylation, which is mediated by Src-related kinases such as Lck, is followed by recruitment and activation of the tyrosine kinase Zap70 (which binds doubly phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs via tandem SH2 domains). Zap70 then phosphorylates downstream proteins, including adaptor proteins such as LAT and SLP-76, leading to the recruitment and activation of a cascade of adaptor and effector proteins (2). Although the downstream events in TCR signal transduction are fairly well characterized, the mechanism by which TCR binding to pMHC leads to increased phosphorylation of CD3 immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs, a process termed TCR triggering, remains relatively poorly understood and controversial (813).A number of models have been proposed for TCR triggering. These can be classified into three groups depending on whether the signal transduction mechanism involves aggregation, conformational change, or segregation of the TCR·CD3 complex upon pMHC binding (reviewed in Ref. 14). Models based on aggregation have difficulty accounting for TCR triggering by very low densities of agonist pMHC, so recent versions postulate a role for self-pMHC, which is present at higher densities (8). Models postulating conformational change within TCRαβ have not generally been supported by structural studies (15) and so have been adapted by proposing conformational changes of the entire TCRαβ complex with respect to other components or the plasma membrane (14, 16). A version of these models proposed that conformational change may be the result of pMHC binding subjecting the TCR to a mechanical “pulling” force toward the APC membrane (14, 16, 17). However, very recently evidence has been presented that binding to agonist pMHC may indeed trigger a conformational change within the constant domain of the TCRαβ (18), so that models based on conformational change need to be reassessed. In addition, conformational changes in the cytoplasmic domains of the TCR-associated CD3 polypeptides may help to regulate TCR activation (19). Finally, TCR triggering models based on segregation postulate that TCR binding to pMHC functions to retain the TCR·CD3 components within a region of the plasma membrane within which tyrosine kinases such as Lck are enriched and receptor tyrosine phosphatases are depleted. The kinetic segregation model postulates that this segregation is the result of the large size of the ectodomain of tyrosine phosphatases CD45 and CD148 with respect to the TCR·pMHC complex, which leads to physical exclusion from close contact areas (6, 9, 20).To explore the mechanism of TCR triggering, we have examined whether the small size of the TCR·pMHC complex is functionally significant. We showed previously that elongation of one mouse pMHC class I complex abrogated recognition by cognate T cells (21). The present study extends this previous work in several important ways. First, we extend this analysis to other pMHC complexes and cognate T cells, including human CD8 T cells. Second, we test directly whether the inhibitory effect could be the result of decreased TCR or coreceptor binding to elongated pMHC class I. Third, we look at the effect of pMHC elongation on early signaling events and segregation of CD45 from TCR·CD3 within the contact area. Our results conclusively demonstrate the importance of pMHC size in T cell antigen recognition and are consistent with the kinetic segregation model of TCR triggering.
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