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Estimation and Verification of Hypotheses in Some Zyskind-Martin Models with Missing Values
Authors:W. Oktaba  A. Kornacki  J. Wawrzosek
Abstract:Several theorems on estimation and verification of linear hypotheses in some Zyskind-Martin (ZM) models are given. The assumptions are as follows. Let y = Xβ + e or (y, Xβ, σ2V) be a fixed model where y is a vector of n observations, X is a known matrix nXp with rank r(X) = r ≦ p < n, where p is a number of coordinates of the unknown parameter vector β, e is a random vector of errors with covariance matrix σ2V, where σ2 is unknown scalar parameter, V is a known non-negative definite matrix such that R(X) ? R(V). Symbol R(A) denotes a vector space generated by columns of matrix A. The expected value of y is Xβ. In this paper four following Zyskind-Martin (ZM) models are considered: ZMd, ZMa, ZMc and ZMqd (definitions in sec. 1) when vector y y1 y2 involves a vector y1 of m missing values and a vector y2 with (n — m) observed values. A special transformation of ZM model gives again ZM model (cf. theorem 2.1). Ten properties of actual (ZMa) and complete (ZMc) Zyskind-Martin models with missing values (cf. theorem 2.2) test functions F are given in (2.11)) are presented. The third propriety constitutes a generalization of R. A. Fisher's rule from standard model (y, Xβ, σ2I) to ZM model. Estimation of vector y1 (cf. 3.3) of vector β (cf. th. 3.2) and of scalar σ2 (cf. th. 3.4) in actual ZMa model and in diagonal quasi-ZM model (ZMqd) are presented. Relation between y? 1 and β is given in theorem 3.1. The results of section 2 are illustrated by numerical example in section 4.
Keywords:Diagonal Zyskind-Martin model  actual Zyskind-Martin model  complete Zyskind-Martin model  quasi Zyskind-Martin model  estimator of vector of missing values  test of hypothesis
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