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Entrainment of Circadian Wheel-Running Rhythms of the Northern Brown Bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus, by Daily Restricted Feeding Schedules
Authors:Gerard A. Kennedy   Grahame J. Coleman  Stuart M. Armstrong
Affiliation: a Psychology Department, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia
Abstract:Northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) were subjected to restricted feeding for 3 h in the middle of the light period of a 14: 10 light/dark cycle and immediately following this in constant dark. When feeding was restricted to the middle of the light period of the light/dark cycle, all bandicoots maintained a nocturnal activity rhythm. In addition to the nocturnal rhythm, a few bandicoots showed meal-anticipatory activity during the light period. In bandicoots that did not show meal-anticipatory activity, diurnal activity was sometimes evident either during or shortly after the daily meal time. The observation of meal-anticipatory activity in some bandicoots suggests that this species may have a mechanism separate from the light-entrainable mechanism that allows the daily anticipation of periodically available food sources. In the next stage of the experiment, which was in constant dark, the meal was presented at the same time of day as it had been in the previous stage. In all bandicoots, the previously light-entrained component of activity free-ran and was eventually affected by the restricted feeding schedule to some degree. Bandicoots showed weak entrainment and relative coordination, suggesting that restricted feeding is a weak zeitgeber in this species. Evidence also suggesting that two separate but coupled pacemakers control the activity rhythms of the bandicoot was that (a) bandicoots simultaneously showed free-running light-entrainable rhythms and meal-entrained anticipatory rhythms; (b) in several bandicoots, the light-entrainable rhythm was phase advanced when it free-ran through the meal time; and (c) in one bandicoot, meal-entrained anticipatory activity was forced away from the meal time when the previously light-entrained component of activity free-ran through it.
Keywords:Restricted feeding  Circadian rhythms  Bandicoot  Light-entrainable pacemaker  Feeding-entrainable pacemaker  Pacemaker coupling
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