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The role of RNA primer in discontinuous DNA replication in isolated nuclei from HeLa cells
Authors:Ming-Ling Janet Wang  Daniel L. Friedman
Affiliation:Department of Molecular Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235 U.S.A.
Abstract:RNA-primed discontinuous DNA synthesis was studied in an in vitro system consisting of washed nuclei from synchronized S-phase HeLa cells. A new technique proved useful for the purification of short nascent fragments of DNA (Okazaki fragments). Mercurated dCTP was substituted for dCTP in the DNA synthesis reaction. Short nascent pieces (4–6 S) of mercurated DNA were found to bind preferentially to sulfhydryl-agarose, and could be eluted with mercaptoethanol. The isolated fragments were assayed for the presence of covalently linked RNA by the spleen exonuclease method described by Kurosawa et al. (Kurosawa, Y., Ogawa, T., Hirose, S., Okazaki, T. and Okazaki, R. (1975) J. Mol. Biol. 96, 653–664). Following a 30 s incubation with [3H]TTP in the absence of added ribonucleotides, approximately 20% of the nascent strands synthesized in washed nuclear preparations had RNA attached. These RNA primers either preexisted in the nuclei or were formed from endogenous ribonucleotides. The 5′ ends of the primers appeared to be largely in a phosphorylated state. In the absence of added ribonucleotides, these RNA-DNA linkages disappeared within 2 min, whereas if ribonucleotides were added, the number of RNA primers increased to 40% and remained at this level for greater than 2 min. To obtain maximal levels of RNA primer, the addition of all three of the ribonucleotides, rCTP, rGTP and rUTP (0.1 mM), as well as high levels of rATP (5 mM) was required. Addition of ribonucleotides also markedly enhanced the amount of nascent DNA fragments synthesized. However, in the absence of added ribonucleotides, after RNA primers had disappeared, nascent DNA fragments were still initiated at a significant rate. These results suggest that RNA primers play an important role in the initiation of Okazaki fragments but that synthesis can also be initiated by alternative mechanisms. An important role for ATP in RNA primer synthesis is suggested.
Keywords:DNA synthesis  Okazaki fragment  RNA primer  (HeLa cell nuclei)  Hg-dCTP  5-mercuri-2′-deoxycytidine 5′-triphosphate  rNTPs  a mixture of ATP, UTP, GTP and CTP
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