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Isolation and characterization of poly(adenylic acid)-containing messenger ribonucleic acid from rat liver polysomes
Authors:J M Sala-Trepat  M J Savage  J Bonner
Abstract:Undegraded rat liver polysomes were obtained after homogenizing the tissue in a medium containing NH4Cl, heparine, and yeast tRNA. Purification of poly(A)-containing RNA from polysomal RNA was accomplished by affinity chromatography on oligo(dT)-cellulose columns. Poly(A)-containing RNA molecules were monitored by the formation of ribonuclease-resistant hybrids with [3H]poly(U). To improve the separation of messenger RNA and ribosomal RNA by oligo(dT)-cellulose it was found essential to dissociate the aggregates formed between both molecular species by heat treatment in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO) prior to chromatography. Sucrose gradient analysis under denaturing conditions showed that the preparations obtained were virtually free of ribosomal RNA. Poly(A)-containing RNA constituted approx. 2.2% of the total polysomal RNA and the number average size was 1500--1800 nucleotides, as judged by sedimentation analysis on sucrose density gradients containing Me2SO. Approximately 8.2% of the purified preparation obtained was able to anneal with [3H]poly(U); the number average nucleotide length of the poly(A) segment of the RNA population was calculated to be 133 adenylate residues. Based on these values, our preparations appear to be greater than 90% pure. The RNA fractions obtained after oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography were used to direct the synthesis of liver polypeptides in a heterologous cell-free system derived from wheat-germ. The system was optimized with respect to monovalent and divalent cations, and presence of polyamines (spermine). More than 65% of the translational activity present in the unfractionated polysomal RNA was recovered in the final poly(A)-containing RNA fraction. However, about 25% of the activity was found to be associated with the unbound fraction which was essentially free of poly(A)-containing RNA. Immunoprecipitation analysis with a specific antiserum to rat serum albumin demonstrated that about 6--8% of the labeled synthetic products translated from the poly(A)-containing RNA sample corresponded to serum albumin. Analysis of the translation products by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a heterogeneous distribution of molecular sizes ranging from 15 000 to greater than 70 000 daltons. Spermine not only increased the overall yield and extent of protein synthesis, but also resulted in higher yields of large protein products. Under optimal translation conditions a discrete peak representing about 7% of the total radioactivity was observed to migrate with rat serum albumin.
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