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Root system growth and nodule establishment on pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Authors:Tricot, Frdrique   Crozat, Yves   Pellerin, Sylvain
Abstract:Development of the root system, appearance of nodules, and relationshipsbetween these two processes were studied on pea (Pisum sativumL., cv. Solara). Plants were grown in growth cabinets for 4weeks on a nitrogen—free nutrient solution inoculatedwith Rhizobium leguminosarum. Plant stages, primary root length,distance from the primary root base to the most distal first-orderlateral root, and distance from the root base to the most distalnodule, were recorded daily. Distribution of nodules along theprimary root and distribution of laterals were recorded by samplingroot systems at two plant stages. Primary root elongation ratewas variable, and declined roughly in conjunction with the exhaustionof seed reserves. First-order laterals appeared acropetallyon the primary root. A linear relationship was found betweenthe length of the apical unbranched zone and root elongationrate, supporting the hypothesis of a constant time lag betweenthe differentiation of first-order lateral's primordia and theiremergence. Decline of the primary root elongation rate was precededby a reduction in density and length of first-order laterals.Nodules appeared not strictly but roughly acropetally on theprimary root. A linear relationship was found between the lengthof the apical zone without nodule and root elongation rate,supporting the hypothesis of a constant time lag between infectionand appearance of a visible nodule. A relationship was foundbetween the presence/absence of nodules on a root segment andthe root elongation rate between infection and appearance ofnodules on the considered root segment. Regulation of both processesby carbohydrate availability, as a causal mechanism, is proposed. Key words: Pisum sativum L, root system, nodules
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