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Occurrence of dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense, a causative organism of paralytic shellfish poisoning in Chinhae Bay, Korea
Authors:Han, Myung-Soo   Jeon, Joong-Kyun   Kim, Young-Ok
Affiliation:Marine Biotechnology Laboratory, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute Ansan, PO Box 29, Seoul 425-600, Korea
Abstract:A paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) incident caused by consumptionof the mussel Mytilus edulis occurred for the first time inKorea in April 1986. Weekly water samplings were carried Outduring the period from 7 March to 21 April 1989 in Chinhae Bay,Korea, in order to identify the causative organism. The temperaturecharacteristics of the water column indicated three differenthydrological regimes: well mixed (up to 7 March), weakly stratified(17–31 March) and stratified (7–21 April). Toxicityof the phytoplankton was detected during the weakly stratifiedperiod, but only in the 10–50 p.m phytoplankton size fraction.This study presents the occurrence of the toxigenic dinoflagellateAlexandrium tamarense, which is a causative organism of PSP,in Korean coastal waters. Its biomass varied at different depthsin the water column, ranging from 200 to 8000 cells 1–1in the water column. The weekly fluctuation of A.tamarense toxicitywas similar to that of mussel toxicity. 1 Present address: Department of Biology, College of NaturalSciences, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
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