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Fe-deficiency stress response in Fe-deficiency resistant and susceptible subterranean clover: importance of induced H+ release
Authors:Wei, L.C.   Loeppert, R.H.   Ocumpaugh, W.R.
Abstract:Plants can exhibit Fe-deficiency stress response when they areexposed to Fe-deficiency conditions. The relative importanceof the individual Fe-deficiency stress-response reactions, forexample, increased release of H+ from roots, enhanced root plasmamembrane-bound Fe3+ -reductase activity, and release of reductant,in Fe-deficiency resistance is not understood. To address thisproblem, the Fe-deficiency stress response of two cultivarsof subterranean clover (subclover), Koala (Trifolium brachycalycinumKatzn. and Morley) (Fe-deficiency resistant) and Karridale (T.subterraneum L.) (Fe-deficiency susceptible), were evaluated.The plants were cultured hydroponically at 0 (–Fe) and30 (+Fe) µM Fe3+ EDTA conditions. After 6 d Fe treatment,the –Fe Koala and Karridale decreased the pH of the nutrientsolution by 1.83 and 0.79 units, respectively, while the +Feplants increased the pH of the nutrient solution. The H+ -releaserate of the –Fe Koala determined 7 d after Fe treatmentinitiation was more than three times higher than that of the–Fe Karridale. The –Fe plants had a significantlyenhanced Fe3+ -reduction rate compared with the +Fe plants foreach cultivar, but the resistant cultivar did not exhibit ahigher root Fe3+ -reduction rate than the susceptible cultivarat each Fe treatment. Reductant release from the roots of subcloverwas negligible. These results indicate that Fe-deficiency-inducedH+ release may be the predominant factor influencing Fe-deficiencyresistance in subclover. Key words: Fe-deficiency, Fe3+ reduction, H+ release, stress response, Trifolium
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