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引用本文:李玉玲,陆舜华,栗淑媛,郑连斌,曹瑜,陈琛,国海. 内蒙古兴安盟汉族体质调查[J]. 人类学学报, 2012, 31(1): 71-81
作者姓名:李玉玲  陆舜华  栗淑媛  郑连斌  曹瑜  陈琛  国海
作者单位:1. 内蒙古师范大学生命科学与技术学院,呼和浩特,010022
2. 天津师范大学生命科学学院,天津市细胞遗传与分子调控重点实验室,天津300387
摘    要:调查了内蒙古兴安盟乌兰浩特市320例城市汉族(男145人, 女175人)和突泉县太平乡514例乡村汉族(男256人, 女258人)的85项体质指标, 计算了32项指数及其分型。研究显示, 1)内蒙古兴安盟汉族的主要体质特征为:大多数人有上眼睑皱褶, 44.5%的人具蒙古褶,眼裂高度以窄、中型为主, 眼裂倾斜度以外高内低型最高; 鼻根高度以中、低型为主, 鼻基部多上翘或水平, 鼻梁侧面观多为直型, 鼻翼高度中等, 鼻孔最大径多横位或斜位; 上唇皮肤部高度多为中等型; 耳垂类型多为圆形、三角形; 黑发, 眼色褐色, 肤色黄或浅黄。男女均以特圆头型、高头型、中头型、狭鼻型、中面型、宽胸型、宽骨盆型、宽肩型及中肩型、长躯干型、亚短腿型居多。城市男女身高均以高型为主, 乡村男女身高中等或亚中等类型占优。2)兴安盟汉族城市人群的体质状况总体上优于乡村。3)兴安盟汉族的体质特征与蒙古族、回族、锡伯族等北方族群接近。

关 键 词:活体观察  活体测量  内蒙古  兴安盟  汉族,

Investigation of the Physical Characteristics of the Han People from the Xing'an League in Inner Mongolia
LI Yu-ling , LU Shun-hua , LI Shu-yuan , ZHENG Lian-bin , CAO Yu , CHEN Chen , GUO Hai. Investigation of the Physical Characteristics of the Han People from the Xing'an League in Inner Mongolia[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2012, 31(1): 71-81
Authors:LI Yu-ling    LU Shun-hua    LI Shu-yuan    ZHENG Lian-bin    CAO Yu    CHEN Chen    GUO Hai
Affiliation:1(1. Institute of Life Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhhot 010022; 2. College of Life Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cyto-Genetical and Molecular Regulation, Tianjin 300387)
Abstract:Eighty-five physical characteristics of 320 urban adults(145 males and 175 females) and 514 rural adults(256 males and 258 females) of the Han people were investigated in the Xing’an League of Inner Mongolia,with 32 physical indices calculated and interpreted.Results are as follows.Most people have an upper eyelid eyefold,with the percentage of Mongoloid fold 44.5%.Opening height of the eyeslits is narrow,and the direction of eye-slit angle shows that external angles are generally higher than internal angles.Nasal profile is straight,and nasal root height is of medium-type for males and low-type for females.Nasal base is upturned or horizontal,and the maximal diameter of nostrils is transverse and oblique.The height of the alae nasi is of medium type as is the upper lip skin height.Lobe type is round in males and triquetrous in females.Hair color is black and eye color is brown.Skin color is described as dark yellow or yellow for males and yellow or light yellow for females.Typical physical characteristics of these Han people include hyperbrachycephalic,hypsicephalic and mesocephalic types,leptorrhiny,mesoprosopy,broad chested circumference,with broad distances between iliac crests,broad or medium shoulder breadth,long trunks and sub-brachyskelic type.The mean statures of males and females were 1668.3mm and 1554.7mm,respectively.According to Martin’s classification of stature,these people are of high stature for urban adults but medium or sub-medium stature for rural adults.The span(male 1688.8mm,female 1555.7mm) is slightly longer than stature.Mean body weight was 66.8kg in males and 58.2kg in females,and the body mass index(BMI) of urban adults(male 24.8,female 24.3) reached the level of overweight but the BMI of rural adults(male 23.4,female 23.8) was normal.This research showed that the physical status of urban adults was better than rural adults,and that these Han peoples from the Xing’an League in Inner Mongolia were close in physical characteristics to the Mongol,Hui,Xibe and other ethnic groups in northern China.
Keywords:Somatoscopy  Anthropometry  Inner Mongolia  Xing’an  Han
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