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Efficient Conversion of L-Tryptophan to Indole-3-Acetic Acid and/or Tryptophol by Some Species of Rhizoctonia
Authors:Furukawa, Toshiko   Koga, Jinichiro   Adachi, Takashi   Kishi, Kunihei   Syono, Kunihiko
Affiliation:1Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan College Akishima, Tokyo, 196 Japan
2Bio Science Laboratories, Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd. 5-3-1 Sakado, Saitama, 350-02 Japan
3Tachikawa College of Tokyo Akishima, Tokyo, 196 Japan
4Department of Life Sciences, University of Tokyo Meguro, Tokyo, 153 Japan
Abstract:In a study of various phytopathogenic fungi, we found that fungithat belong to the genus Rhizoctonia produce IAA efficientlyfrom tryptophan. R. solani Kühn MAFF-305219, in particular,produced large amounts of tryptophol (Tol), which was assumedto be a specific by-product of the indole-3-pyruvate (IPy) pathway,in addition to IAA. Therefore, this fungus seemed suitable foranalysis of the function and the regulation of the biosynthesisof auxin by a fungal pathogen. Under normal aerobic conditions,the ratio of IAA to Tol synthesized by this strain was higherthan that under less aerobic conditions. In metabolic studieswith various indole derivatives, R. solani converted L-tryptophanand indole-3-acetaldehyde to IAA and Tol, but other indole derivativeswere scarcely metabolized. These results suggest that both IAAand Tol are synthesized from tryptophan through the IPy pathwayin Rhizoctonia. (Received May 27, 1996; Accepted July 8, 1996)
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