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引用本文:王 港,白晋华,刘碧桃. 华北山地6个外生菌根树种的根属性及其与菌根侵染率的关系[J]. 西北植物学报, 2020, 40(5): 852-861
作者姓名:王 港  白晋华  刘碧桃
作者单位:(山西农业大学 林学院, 山西太谷 030801)
摘    要:该研究以共存于同一暖温带森林的6个外生菌根(ECM)树种为研究对象,测定分析不同根序(1~5级)和功能根系(吸收细根和运输细根)的主要形态和构型属性及ECM侵染率,探究不同外生菌根树种的根属性变异模式及其与菌根真菌侵染程度的关系。结果表明:(1)随着根序的增加,不同树种根直径和单根长度均增加,而比根长和根分支强度均降低;根属性在同一根序下均存在显著的种间差异,尤其是2个裸子植物(落叶松和油松)的根直径较其他4个被子植物大。(2)同一树种的所有根属性在吸收细根和运输细根之间均有显著差异;吸收细根和运输细根的根直径、比根长和根组织密度在树种间均存在显著差异,而其单根长度和根分支强度在树种间无显著差异。(3)ECM侵染率以落叶松最高,千金榆和白桦最低,且与根尖直径呈显著正相关关系,与根尖比根长呈显著负相关关系。研究发现,基于根序或者功能根系,根属性在种间的变异模式不完全一致,单根长度和根分支强度在两个功能根系中均没有表现出显著的种间差异;吸收细根的比根长和根分支强度的变异系数较大,对环境变化有较敏感的响应;古老树种的根直径相对较粗,对菌根真菌的依赖性更高。

关 键 词:外生菌根;根序;功能模块根系;根属性;外生菌根侵染率

Root Traits of Six Ectomycorrhizal Tree Species and Their Relationship with Mycorrhizal Infection Rate in Mountainous Regions of North China
WANG Gang,BAI Jinhu,LIU Bitao. Root Traits of Six Ectomycorrhizal Tree Species and Their Relationship with Mycorrhizal Infection Rate in Mountainous Regions of North China[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2020, 40(5): 852-861
Authors:WANG Gang  BAI Jinhu  LIU Bitao
Abstract:Fine roots play an important role in plant nutrient acquisition and ecosystem carbon allocation. Here we clarified the variation patterns of root traits based on root order or root functional modules, as well as the relationship between root traits and mycorrhizal colonization of different ectomycorrhizal tree species. This study determined the changes in branching based and function based root traits and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) colonization of six coexisting temperate tree species. The results showed that: (1) root diameter and individual root length increased, while specific root length and root branching intensity decreased from the first to fifth order roots. There were significant differences between studied tree species within the same root order for all root traits, especially two gymonsperms (Pinus tabuliformis and Larix gmelinii) had thicker root diameter than other four angiosperms. (2) Absorptive fine roots (AFR) and transport fine roots (TFR) both showed that, for a given tree species, all root traits existed significant differences; among tree species, root diameter, specific root length (SRL) and root tissue density existed significant differences, but individual root length and root branching intensity had no significant differences. (3) ECM colonization was the highest in Larix gmelinii and the lowest in Carpinus cordata and Betula platyphylla. Moreover, ECM colonization was significantly positively correlated with root tip diameter and negatively correlated with SRL. These results have shown that the variation patterns of branching based and function based root traits among species were not completely consistent. Individual root length and root branching intensity for AFR and TFR had no significant differences among tree species. Additionally, the coefficient of variation of specific root length and root branching intensity of AFR was larger than that of other root traits, indicating these two root traits are more sensitive to environmental changes. Tree species of basal clades tend to produce thicker root diameter and rely more on mycorrhizal fungi.
Keywords:ectomycorrhiza   root order   functional module roots   root traits   ectomycorrhizal colonization
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