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Influence of temperature on the development, reproduction and longevity of Ceratothripoides claratris (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on tomatoes
Authors:Premachandra W T S D  Borgemeister C  Chabi-Olaye A  Poehling H-M
Affiliation:Institute of Plant Diseases and Plant Protection, University of Hanover, Germany.
Abstract:Ceratothripoides claratris (Shumsher) is a serious pest attacking tomatoes in Thailand. Temperature-dependent development of C. claratris was studied at seven constant temperatures, i.e. 22, 25, 27, 30, 34, 35 and 40 degrees C. Pre-adult survivorship was greatest (95%) at 25 and 30 degrees C and shortest at 22 degrees C. Egg-to-adult time decreased within the range of 20 to 30 degrees C and at 34 degrees C it started to increase. The lower thermal threshold for egg-to-adult development was estimated at 16 and 18 degrees C by linear regression and the modified Logan model, respectively. The optimum temperature for egg-to-adult development was estimated at 32-33 degrees C by the modified Logan model. The influence of temperature on reproduction and longevity of C. claratris was determined at 25, 30 and 35 and 40 degrees C. Both inseminated and virgin females failed to reproduce at 40 degrees C. Virgin females produced only male offspring, confirming arrhenotoky. The sex ratio of the offspring of fertilized females was strongly female-biased, except at 25 degrees C. Mean total fecundity per female and mean daily total fecundity per female were highest for both virgin and inseminated females at 30 degrees C. Female longevity was longest at 25 degrees C and shortest at 40 degrees C. Male longevity was longest at 30 degrees C and shortest at 40 degrees C. The net reproductive rate (R0) and intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was greatest at 30 degrees C while, mean generation time (G) and the doubling time (t) were highest at 25 degrees C. The finite rate of increase (lambda) was fairly constant (1.1-1.5 days) over the three temperatures tested. The pest potential of C. claratris for tropical Asia is discussed.
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