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Synthesis and Breakdown of the Apoproteins of Light-Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b Proteins in Chlorophyll b-deficient Mutants of Rice
Authors:Terao, Tomio   Katoh, Sakae
Affiliation:1Department of Applied Physiology, National Institute of Agrobiological Resources Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki, 305 Japan
2Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan
Abstract:Turnover, in the light, of apoproteins of light-harvesting chlorophylla/6-proteins for Photo-system I and II (LHC-I and LHC-II, respectively)was studied with the wild-type and three chlorophyll 6-deficientmutants of rice. (1) Synthesis of the 24 and 25 kDa apoproteinsof LHC-II and the 20 and 21 kDa apoproteins of LHC-I was examinedby incubating leaf segments with [35S]-methionine. The threerice mutants, chlorina 2, which totally lacks chlorophyll b,and chlorina 11 and 14, which are partially deficient in chlorophyllb, synthesized the apoproteins as rapidly as did the wild typerice. (2) Pulse-chase experiments showed that breakdown of theapoproteins proceeded slowly, such that only a small proportionof the newly synthesized apoproteins was lost during the 48h of the chase in normal rice leaves. By contrast, large fractionsof the labelled apoproteins were rapidly degraded within thefirst several hours of the chase period in the chlorina mutants.The greater the deficiency in chlorophyll b of the mutant, thelarger were the rate and extent of the protein breakdown. Thisresult indicates that chlorophyll b is needed to stabilize theapoproteins of LHC-II and LHC-I. (3) However, even in chlorina2, there were small fractions of the apoproteins with lifetimesas long as those of apoproteins in the wild-type rice, suggestingthat the newly synthesized apoproteins are partially protectedby a factor(s) other than chlorophyll b. (4) The rate of turnoverof the apoproteins was significantly reduced in the dark andstrongly inhibited by prior treatment of leaf segments withchloramphenicol. (Received November 24, 1988; Accepted March 17, 1989)
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