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Influence of starvation on larval development of Carcinus maenas L. (Decapoda : Portunidae)
Authors:Ralph R. Dawirs
Affiliation:Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Meeresstation, D-2192 Helgoland, F.R.G.
Abstract:Lethal and sublethal effects of particular starvation events were investigated in larvae of Carcinusmaenas L. Mean survival times of continuously starved zoeae-1 were approximately twice the normal stage duration (12, 18, 25°C), and both increased with falling temperatures. At 6°C zoea-1 was unable to develop to stage-2. No larva retained the ability for successful further development if starved for half the stage duration time and was then refed. The zoea-1 larvae had to feed for at least 20 % of the normal stage duration for some larvae to moult to zoea-2. Some initial feeding was necessary to start zoea-1 development. Beyond a certain point of energy and accumulation of reserves development of the larvae seems to continue regardless of feeding rates. The demands for larval feeding correspond very well with the larval moulting cycle. Larvae of C. maenas proved to be well adapted to natural shortage of food.
Keywords:estuaries  Harpaeticoida  meiobenthos  dynamics  predation-disturbance
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