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The Water Relations of Young Olive Trees in a Mediterranean Winter: Measurements of Evaporation from Leaves and Water Conduction in Wood
Authors:THOMPSON, R. G.   TYRE, M. T.   GULLO, M. A. LO   SALLEO, S.
Affiliation:Biology Department, Mt Allison University Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada EOA 3CO
Botany Department, University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada M55 1A1
Istituto di Botanica, Università di Messina via P. Castelli 2, 98100 Messina, Italy
Abstract:We report measurements of evaporation rate, leaf resistanceto evaporation and water conduction in the stems of young olivetrees (Olea europea L.) growing in Messina, Italy, during thewinter and early spring. We have measured what Zimmermann calls‘leaf specific conductivity’ (LSC) of stem segmentsexcised from olive trees. The LSC is a measure of the specifichydraulic conductivity of stem segments normalized per unitarea of leaves supplied by the stem segment rather than perunit area of sapwood cross-sectional area. We find that theLSC's of primary stems were the largest followed in magnitudeby the LSC's of secondary stems and tertiary stems. Under winterand early spring conditions the maximum evaporative flux fromCoratina and Nocellara varieties of olive trees is about 2.6x 10–5 kg 8–1 m–2. From this and the LSC measurementswe calculate that the pressure gradients needed to maintainthis rate of evaporation in the steady state is 65 kPa m–1in primary stems, 170 kPa m–1 in secondary stems and 560kPa m–1 in tertiary stems. Olive, Olea europea L, evaporation, leaf specific conductivity, hydraulic conductivity, leaf resistance
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