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Branching responses in Silphium integrifolium (Asteraceae) following mechanical or gall damage to apical meristems and neighbor removal
Authors:Fay Philip A  Throop Heather L
Affiliation:Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth, 5013 Miller Trunk Highway, Duluth, Minnesota 55811-1442 USA;
Abstract:Branching in plants increases plant access to light and provides pathways for regrowth following damage or loss of the apical meristem. We conducted two experiments in an eastern Kansas tallgrass prairie to determine how apical meristem loss (by clipping), apical meristem damage (by insect galling), and increased light availability affected growth, reproduction, and branching in Silphium integrifolium (Asteraceae). The first experiment compared clipping with galling. Clipping increased axillary shoot numbers, while galling increased axillary shoot lengths, reflecting different allocation responses among damage types and inhibition of branching by galls. However, total capitulum production was less in all gall/clip treatments than in intact shoots. The second experiment compared clipping with mowing the surrounding vegetation to increase light availability. Mowing increased total leaf, total capitulum, and axillary shoot length and axillary capitulum production in clipped and unclipped plants and in large vs. small shoots. The presence of the neighboring canopy, not of an intact apical meristem, was therefore the stronger limitation on leaf and capitulum production. These experiments suggest that damage and light competition affected both branching frequency and the partitioning of resources among shoots, branches, and leaves. Because Silphium's growth form is widespread, similar responses may occur in other grassland forbs.
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