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Stratigraphie et sédimentologie des « Couches rouges » continentales du Jurassique-Crétacé du Haut Atlas central (Maroc) : implications paléogéographiques et géodynamiques
Authors:Hamid Haddoumi,André   Charriè  re
Affiliation:a Département de géologie, laboratoire de geosciences appliquées, faculté des sciences, université Mohammed 1er, 60000 Oujda, Maroc
b 26, rue Jean-Pierre Chabrol, 34740 Vendargues, France
c 11, rue de l’Industrie, 2316 Les Ponts-de-Martel, Suisse
Abstract:In several synclines of the central High Atlas, the “Redbeds” following the closure of the marine Tethyan Atlasic trough during the Middle Jurassic are constituted by three successive formations or units of continental deposits dated recently with biostratigraphical elements. Some micropaleontological markers, mainly charophytes and ostracods, allow to precise the stratigraphy in agreement with a Bathonian-?Callovian assignment for the lower unit (Guettioua Formation), and in dating the middle and upper units. The Upper Jurassic, mainly the Kimmeridgian, is developed in the lower part of the middle unit (Iouaridene Formation). The Barremian has been recognized in this middle unit and in the upper unit (Jbel Sidal Formation). The Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary is thus delimited for the first time with micropaleontological data. These new data are very significant for the Atlasic history during the Mesozoic. The basaltic flows inserted in the continental Jurassic-Cretaceous deposits of the central High Atlas result from two separate events in the Middle Jurassic and in the Barremian. The tectogenesis in the basins is characterized by a polyphase process including notably a synsedimentary tectonic activity conspicuous in the Barremian. The evidence of marine to brackish intercalations allows moreover to date the first Cretaceous transgressive event on the NW boundary of the High Atlas during the Lower Barremian and to consider an Atlantic paleogeographical interaction. SW margin of the Tethyan trough in the Lower and Middle Jurassic, the central High Atlas is merged with the margin of the central Atlantic Ocean during the Lower Cretaceous.
Keywords:Stratigraphie   Couches rouges   Jurassique   Cré  tacé     Haut Atlas   Maroc
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