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Biochemical mechanisms of chromosomal translocations resulting from DNA double-strand breaks
Authors:Povirk Lawrence F
Affiliation:Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23298, USA. LPOVIRK@mail2.vcu.edu
Abstract:Exposure of mammalian cells to agents that induce DNA double-strand breaks typically results in both reciprocal and nonreciprocal chromosome translocations. Over the past decade, breakpoint junctions of a significant number of translocations and other genomic rearrangements, both in clinical tumors and in experimental models, have been analyzed at the DNA sequence level. Based on these data, reasonable inferences regarding the biochemical mechanisms involved in translocations can be drawn. In a few cases, breakpoints have been shown to correlate with sites of double-strand cleavage by agents to which the cells or patients have been exposed, including exogenous rare-cutting endonucleases, radiomimetic compounds, and topoisomerase inhibitors. These results confirm that translocations primarily reflect misjoining of the exchanged ends of two or more double-strand breaks. Many junctions show significant loss of DNA sequence at the breakpoints, suggesting exonucleolytic degradation of DNA ends prior to joining. The size and frequency of these deletions varies widely, both between experimental systems, and among individual events in a single system. Homologous recombination between repetitive DNA sequences does not appear to be a major pathway for translocations associated with double-strand breaks. Rather, the general features of the junction sequences, particularly the high frequency small terminal deletions, the apparent splicing of DNA ends at microhomologies, and gap-filling on aligned double-strand break ends, are consistent with the known biochemical properties of the classical nonhomologous end joining pathway involving DNA-dependent protein kinase, XRCC4 and DNA ligase IV. Nevertheless, cells with deficiencies in this pathway still exhibit translocations, with grossly similar junction sequences, suggesting an alternative but less conservative end joining pathway. Although evidence for participation of specific DNA end processing enzymes in formation of translocations is largely circumstantial, likely candidates include DNA polymerases lambda and mu, Artemis nuclease, polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase, tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase, DNase III, Werner syndrome protein, and the Mre11/Rad50/NBS1 complex.
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