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The manipulation of fatty acid composition in L-M cell monolayers supplemented with cyclopentenyl fatty acids
Authors:Myles C. Cabot  Fred Snyder
Affiliation:Medical and Health Sciences Division, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 USA
Abstract:Mouse L-M fibroblasts, grown in a serum-free medium, were supplemented with fatty acids of 16 and 18 carbon chain lengths that contain a cyclopentene ring in the ω position. These fatty acids, unnatural to mammalian systems, were incorporated into the major lipid classes of L-M fibroblasts. Supplementation with the cyclopentenyl fatty acids caused an accumulation of neutral glycerolipids and marked inhibition of cell growth. Following the addition of supplement, the cells became more rounded. Of particular interest was the fact that the phospholipid fraction isolated from treated cells contained cyclic fatty acids that accounted for as much as 24% of the total phospholipid acyl groups. Unlike the pattern of distribution displayed by endogenous natural monoenes, the majority of the cyclic acid present was esterified in the sn-1 position of both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The 18-carbon cyclic fatty acid [chaulmoogric acid, 13-(2-cyclopenten-1-yl)tridecanoic acid] was incorporated at the expense of the endogenous C-16:0, C-18:0, and C-18:1 fatty acids of the glycerophospholipids. The esterification altered the ratio of saturated to unsaturated acyl groups in the cellular phospholipids. No biochemical modification of chaulmoogric acid was detected.Our results imply that incorporation of unnatural fatty acid analogs, such as chaulmoogric acid, into cellular membranes would alter the functional properties of biological membranes that are dependent on membrane fluidity and structural organization.
Keywords:To whom all correspondence should be addressed.
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