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Demography of the twospotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch
Authors:J. R. Carey
Affiliation:(1) Department of Entomology, University of California, 95616 Davis, CA, USA
Abstract:Summary A simple life table model was constructed for Tetranychus urticae in which daily survivorship of eggs and motil stages, fecundity, and development time was altered to assess the impact of each parameter on the intrinsic rate of increase. r. Interpretation of the trade-offs focused on management considerations.A second aspect of the study concerned age and stage structure in mite populations including the time path of convergence to a stable age distribution and the effect of changes in birth and death rates on the age profile. The stable stage distributions of 7 tetranychid mite species were computed using 25 separate life tables. In spite of the wide range of r-values induced by different experimental conditions, all of the stage distributions were quite similar averaging roughly 66% eggs, 26% immatures, and 8% adults. Several population studies were cited which reported stage distributions of growing mite populations. The empirical evidence suggested that natural mite populations are often quite near this stable distribution.A practical problem involving the extent to which hormoligosis (insecticide stimulation) affects mite population growth rate was addressed using the life table model and laboratory data from controlled studies. The findings suggested that mite populations treated with insecticide may attain a 1.4- to a 4.2-fold difference in population size relative to an untreated population after 2 generations and over a 1,300-fold potential difference after 10 generations.
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