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Comparative analysis of genetic similarity among maize inbred lines detected by RFLPs, RAPDs, SSRs, and AFLPs
Authors:I. Pejic  P. Ajmone-Marsan  M. Morgante  V. Kozumplick  P. Castiglioni  G. Taramino  M. Motto
Affiliation:(1) Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb, Deptartment of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biometrics, Svetosimunska 25, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, XX;(2) Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale e Tecnologie Agrarie, Università di Udine, Via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy, IT;(3) Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura, Via Stezzano 24, 24126 Bergamo, Italy, IT;(4) DuPont Agricultural Biotechnology, Delaware Technology Park, Suite 200, 1 Innovation Way, PO Box 6104, Newark, DE 19714-6104, USA, US
Abstract: DNA-based fingerprinting technologies have proven useful in genetic similarity studies. RFLP is still most commonly used in the estimation of genetic diversity in plant species, but the recently developed PCR-based marker techniques, RAPDs, SSRs and AFLPs, are playing an increasingly important role in these investigations. Using a set of 33 maize inbred lines we report on a comparison of techniques to evaluate their informativeness and applicability for the study of genetic diversity. The four assays differed in the amount of polymorphism detected. The information content, measured by the expected heterozygosity and the average number of alleles, was higher for SSRs, while the lowest level of polymorphism was obtained with AFLPs. However, AFLPs were the most efficient marker system because of their capacity to reveal several bands in a single amplification. In fact, the assay efficiency index was more than ten-fold higher for AFLPs compared to the other methods. Except for RAPDs, the genetic similarity trees were highly correlated. SSR and AFLP technologies can replace RFLP marker in genetic similarity studies because of their comparable accuracy in genotyping inbred lines selected by pedigree. Bootstrap analysis revealed that, in the set of lines analysed, the number of markers used was sufficient for a reliable estimation of genetic similarity and for a meaningful comparison of marker technologies. Received: 11 April 1998 / Accepted: 19 May 1998
Keywords:  Zea mays L.  Genetic relationship  Molecular markers  DNA-fingerprinting  Genetic diversity
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