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Characterization of N-linked oligosaccharides assembled on secretory recombinant glucose oxidase and cell wall mannoproteins from the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha
Authors:Kim Moo Woong  Rhee Sang Ki  Kim Jeong-Yoon  Shimma Yoh-ichi  Chiba Yasunori  Jigami Yoshifumi  Kang Hyun Ah
Affiliation:Metabolic Engineering Laboratory, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Oun-dong 52, Yusong-gu, Daejeon 305-600, Korea.
Abstract:Presently almost no information is available on the oligosaccharide structure of the glycoproteins secreted from the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha, a promising host for the production of recombinant proteins. In this study, we analyze the size distribution and structure of N-linked oligosaccharides attached to the recombinant glycoprotein glucose oxidase (GOD) and the cell wall mannoproteins obtained from H. polymorpha. Oligosaccharide profiling showed that the major oligosaccharide species derived from the H. polymorpha-secreted recombinant GOD (rGOD) had core-type structures (Man(8-12)GlcNAc(2)). Analyses using anti-alpha 1,3-mannose antibody and exoglycosidases specific for alpha 1,2- or alpha 1,6-mannose linkages revealed that the mannose outer chains of N-glycans on the rGOD have very short alpha 1,6 extensions and are mainly elongated in alpha 1,2-linkages without a terminal alpha 1,3-linked mannose addition. The N-glycans released from the H. polymorpha mannoproteins were shown to contain mostly mannose in their outer chains, which displayed almost identical size distribution and structure to those of H. polymorpha-derived rGOD. These results strongly indicate that the outer chain processing of N-glycans by H. polymorpha significantly differs from that by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, thus generating much shorter mannose outer chains devoid of terminal alpha 1,3-linked mannoses.
Keywords:cell wall mannoproteins / glycan profiling / Hansenula polymorpha / N-linked oligosaccharides / recombinant glucose oxidase
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