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Inadvertent Propagation of Factor VII Deficiency in a Canine Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I Research Breeding Colony
Authors:Lucas P Carlstrom   Jackie K Jens   Marley E Dobyns   Merry Passage   Patricia I Dickson   N Matthew Ellinwood
Affiliation:1Department of Animal Science and the Center for Integrated Animal Genomics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa;2Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, LA Biomed at Harbor–UCLA, Torrance, California
Abstract:Issues of cost and genetics can result in inbreeding of canine genetic disease colonies. Beagles often are used to maintain such colonies, providing stock for outcrosses. Factor VII (FVII) deficiency is a hemostatic disorder found at increased frequency in beagles and has been characterized at the DNA level. Deficiency of FVII presents obstacles in colonies founded with beagles. An initial finding of a FVII-deficient pup from a longstanding colony prompted us to evaluate FVII deficiency fully in this colony. Current and archival records and tissues were used to reconstruct the colony pedigree, assess the contribution from beagles, and test samples to document the source and frequency of the mutant FVII allele. As part of this study we developed a PCR-based diagnostic assay that was simpler than what was previously available. Pedigree analysis revealed a founder effect implicating beagles that led to high frequency (55%) of the mutant allele. In addition, affected animals were identified. The complete picture of the clinical effect within the colony remains unclear, but unusual neonatal presentations, including hemoabdomen, have occurred in pups affected with FVII deficiency. Use of a PCR-based diagnostic assay to screen all potential beagle breeding stock will prevent similar occurrences of FVII deficiency in future canine research colonies.Abbreviations: FVII, factor VII; MPS I, mucopolysaccharidosis I; PT, prothrombin timeThe importance of developing clinically relevant large animal models for human genetic diseases is becoming increasingly evident.4 For example, preclinical assessments of gene transfer experiments require large long-lived animal models physiologically and genetically comparable to humans. Canine models are ideal because their genome has been sequenced, they are large and long-lived, and because more than 60% of inherited diseases of dogs are known to be homologs of human diseases.4The maintenance of genetic diseases in research colonies results, for all practical purposes, in a founder effect by which allelic frequencies in a research colony may be skewed upward from those in the general population, due to founding of the colony by a limited number of animals. This founder effect is due to insufficient genetic outcrosses, resulting from economic constraints and considerations such as the inbreeding needed with a recessive condition. Practically speaking, colony founders may inevitably be incompletely characterized at the genetic level, potentially leading to increased prevalence of an additional genetic disease. When available, practical screening tests (clotting times, cardiac evaluation, and so on) or breed-specific genetic tests should be conducted to reduce additional genetic diseases within a research colony.The occurrence of additional genetic diseases in research colonies can limit or confound the primary research objective and affect the number of research animals used and their health and welfare. Inherited factor VII (FVII) deficiency in beagles is such a condition.8 Although largely an asymptomatic defect, this autosomal recessive hemostatic disorder, can lead to excessive bleeding after surgery or trauma, hematoma formation, body cavity bleeding, and persistent uterine and vaginal hemorrhage.23 Factor VII deficiency also occurs in Alaskan malamutes,14 mixed breeds,13 and Alaskan klee kai dogs.11 Clinical symptoms in canines can be reduced by transfusions with fresh plasma or blood, or administration of recombinant activated human FVII.9,17 However, treatments are only a temporary solution, because the half-life of FVII protein is only 3 to 4 h and, in canines, treatment with human proteins raises concern about antibody responses to those proteins, thus potentially limiting further therapy. The FVII mutation initially described in beagles (referred to henceforth as the ‘beagle mutation’ in full recognition of its occurrence in additional breeds) is well described.1 Furthermore the beagle mutation has been documented to cause the FVII deficiency seen in the Alaskan klee kai,11 Airedale terrier, giant schnauzer, and Scottish deerhound.22 The published assay is a restriction digest to test beagles for the causative transitional missense mutation of a guanine-to-adenine located in exon 5 (leading to the G96E mutant protein).1 However, because the assay relies on an enzyme with multiple sites in the resultant amplicon, interpretation of results can be problematic, potentially requiring direct DNA sequencing for confirmation of the genotype.Herein we present data from a long-standing canine research breeding colony for mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) which indicate that FVII deficiency should be a primary concern when developing research colonies by using beagle breeding stock. We suspected factor VII deficiency in this colony after an episode of hemoabdomen in a neonate, which was noted shortly after the colony was transferred to a different institution. Using an improved PCR-based diagnostic assay for the beagle FVII mutation, we have documented the history of this mutant allele within the colony in detail and have identified the presence of this allele in other canine colonies.
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