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Particles Associated with the Outer Epidermal Wall in Internodes of Deepwater Rice
Institution:MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 4S824, USA
Abstract:Partial submergence induces rapid internodal growth in deepwaterrice (Oryza saliva L., cv. Habiganj Aman II). The infrastructureof the cell wall/plasmalemma interface of air-grown and submergedinternodes was investigated in the region where cell elongationtakes place. In submerged internodes, electron-dense particlesof about 100 nm diameter were found. These particles were detectableonly at the thick outer wall of the outer epidermis but notat the inner walls. In air-grown control plants, no such granuleswere visible. We suggest that these particles are related tothe process of cell wall growth. The wall weight per unit lengthwas 75% lower in the submerged internode as compared to thatof the air-grown control. This indicates that secondary wallformation is suppressed during submergence of the plant Oryza saliva, deepwater rice, intemodal growth, electron-dense particles
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