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Ultrastructure of the corpus cardiacum and corpus allatum of the house cricket Acheta domesticus
Authors:James T. Bradley  John S. Edwards
Affiliation:(1) Department of Zoology-Entomology, Auburn University, 36830 Auburn, AL, USA;(2) Department of Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Abstract:Summary The ultrastructure of the corpus cardiacum (CC) and corpus allatum (CA) of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, is described. Axon profiles within the CC contain neurosecretory granules 160–350 nm in diameter which are indistinguishable from those found in type I neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis and in the nervus corporis cardiaci I. The CC itself contains two cell types: intrinsic neurosecretory cells and glial cells. Intrinsic NSC cytoplasm contains Golgi bodies and electron dense neurosecretory granules 160–350 nm in diameter. Synaptoid configurations with 20–50 nm diameter electron lucent vesicles were observed within axon profiles of the CC. The structure of the CA is relatively uniform with one cell type predominating. Typical CA cells possess large nucleoli, active Golgi complexes, numerous mitochondria, and occassional microtubules. Groups of dark staining cells scattered throughout the CA of some animals were interpreted as evidence of cellular death.This work was done while JTB was supported by USPHS Training Grant HD-0266 from NICHDI wish to express my thanks to Dr. Richard A. Cloney for sharing his expertise in electron microscopy
Keywords:Neurosecretion  Corpus cardiacum  Corpus allatum  Acheta domesticus
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