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Glial perspectives of metabolic states during cerebral hypoxia--calcium regulation and metabolic energy
Authors:Kahlert Stefan  Reiser Georg
Institution:Institut für Neurobiochemie, Medizinische Fakult?t der Otto-von-Guericke-Universit?t Magdeburg, Leipziger Strabetae 44, D-39120 Magdeburg, Germany.
Abstract:Cooperation between astrocytes and neurons is a unique interaction between two highly specialized cell types of the brain. Therefore, lack of nutrient supply during ischemia requires tight coordination of metabolism between astrocytes and neurons to keep the brain functions intact. To understand the impact of energy limitation on astrocytes, the functions of astrocytes have to be considered: (i) supplementation of neuronal cells, (ii) modulation of the extracellular milieu, mainly of the glutamate level, and (iii) elimination of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In cultured astrocytes and neurons inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation, using rotenone, was tested. Interestingly, this had only a negligible effect on Ca2+ homeostasis in astrocytes, even in combination with a severe glutamate stress. In contrast, in neurons glutamate in the presence of rotenone induced Ca2+ deregulation. Ca2+ homeostasis is very critical for cell survival. A massive and prolonged Ca2+ rise will lead to deregulation of many processes in such a way that the cells affected can hardly survive. Ca2+ homeostasis depends on the energy-consuming processes, which maintain the steep gradient between intracellular and extracellular Ca2+ concentration. Deprivation of oxygen and glucose during ischemia leads to a depletion of ATP in the brain, due to inhibited glycolytic and mitochondrial activity, whereas energy-consuming processes like ion pumps drain the ATP pools. On the other hand, specific mechanisms can protect brain structures against the massive insult of ischemia. Glycogen, stored in astrocytes, can maintain both neurons and astrocytes alive during short limitation of oxygen and glucose. Moreover, astrocytes can fuel ATP generation by providing lactate for neurons.
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