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Analysis of 6-keto PGF1 alpha, 5-HETE, and LTC4 in rat lung: comparison of GM/MS, RIA, and EIA
Authors:J Y Westcott  S Chang  M Balazy  D O Stene  P Pradelles  J Maclouf  N F Voelkel  R C Murphy
Abstract:The recent availability of fast and sensitive radioimmunoassay (RIA) and enzyme immunoassay (EIA) procedures to measure icosanoids has led to utilization of these techniques by many investigators. A major concern has been that techniques based on immunoreactivity may lack specificity, in particular if complex biologic fluids or tissue extracts are evaluated. The purpose of this investigation was the comparison of icosanoid measurements obtained either with EIA or RIA with those obtained by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Rats were injected with Salmonella enteritidis endotoxin, killed at various times after the injection and the lung extract assayed for 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, 5-HETE and LTC4. By EIA lung tissue was found to contain large quantities of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha after endotoxin stimulation. Comparisons made between EIA and GC/MS analysis showed good correlation between 6-keto-PGF1 alpha amounts in lung as determined by each technique. It was also determined that little purification of lung extract was needed to obtain reliable quantitation of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, probably due to the specificity of the antibody and the large quantity of this prostaglandin produced. Crudely purified (Sep-Pak) lung extracts gave 5-HETE levels by RIA which were highly correlated with GC/MS values, but RIA values were 70% higher than those obtained by GC/MS. The presence of other components in lung extract which cross react with this 5-HETE antibody was probably responsible for the higher values obtained by RIA. LTC4 was measured by immunoassay in crude lung extracts, as well as after Sep-Pak purification and HPLC purification. LTC4 levels were identical in unpurified lung extract and after Sep-Pak purification, but decreased substantially after HPLC purification. Thus, by validating the icosanoid immunoassays, we have found that they can give accurate and reproducible results in lung tissue, although LTC4 and 5-HETE must be purified prior to analysis.
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