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Brain-independent development in the moth Sesamia nonagrioides
Authors:Meritxell Pé  rez-Hedo
Affiliation:a Centre R+D de Lleida (UdL-IRTA), Rovira Roure 191, 25198 Lleida, Spain
b Biology Centre ASCR, Branišovská 31, 370 05 ?eské Budějovice, Czech Republic
Abstract:The caterpillars of Sesamia nonagrioides developing under long-day (LD) photoperiod pupate in the 5th or 6th instar whereas under short day (SD) conditions they enter diapause and undergo several extra larval molts. The diapause is terminated within 1-3 instars upon transfer of SD larvae to the LD conditions. Brain removal from the 6th instar larvae promotes pupation followed by imaginal development; however, one third of the SD larvae and 12% of the LD larvae debrained at the start of the instar first undergo 1-2 larval molts. The incidence of larval molts is enhanced by the brain implants. Exclusively pupal molts occur in the LD larvae debrained late in the 6th instar. Decapitation elicits pupation in both LD and SD larvae, except for some of the 4th and 5th and rarely 6th instar that are induced to a fast larval molt. The pupation of decapitated larvae is reverted to a larval molt by application of a juvenile hormone (JH) agonist. No molts occur in abdomens isolated from the head and thorax prior to the wandering stage. Abdomens isolated later undergo a larval (SD insects) or a pupal (LD insects) molt. Taken together the data reveal that in S. nonagrioides (1) several larval molts followed by a pupal and imaginal molt can occur without brain; (2) an unknown head factor outside the brain is needed for the pupal-adult molt; (3) brain exerts both stimulatory and inhibitory effect on the corpora allata (CA); (4) larval molts induced in CA absence suggest considerable JH persistence.
Keywords:Brain   Diapause   Ecdysteroids   Juvenile hormone   Molting
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