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Morphometric study of allometric skull growth in the temnospondyl Archegosaurus decheni from the Permian/Carboniferous of Germany
Authors:Florian Witzmann  Henning Scholz
Affiliation:Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Abstract:The skulls of ninety-six specimens of the temnospondyl Archegosaurus decheni from the Permian/Carboniferous of Germany, ranging in length from almost 20 to almost 280 mm, are used in a morphometric analysis of cranial ontogeny. A Cartesian transformation, a bivariate regression analysis, and a principal component analysis (PCA) reveal changes of general skull proportions and of particular skull roofing bones during growth. The preorbital part of the skull exhibits a much faster growth rate than the postorbital region, whereas the orbits exhibit a considerable decrease in relative size. The skull bones possess low allometry coefficients of growth in width, what leads to a proportionally much more slender skull than in most other temnospondyls, comparable only to other archegosaurids, the cochleosaurid Chenoprosopus, and longirostrine stereospondyls like Australerpeton and trematosaurids. Distinctly negative allometry of the width of the cheek region, where part of the adductor musculature originated, suggests a weaker bite in A. decheni than in temnospondyls with broad-parabolic skulls like Onchiodon and Sclerocephalus. Results from the analysis of skull growth in A. decheni offer a biological interpretation of the life habits of this animal as becoming increasingly more adaptated to piscivory during ontogeny. The continuous growth of the skull with a gradual shift in proportions supports, in conjunction with morphological data, the hypothesis that A. decheni did not undergo a metamorphosis.
Keywords:Temnospondyli   Ontogeny   Morphometrics   Allometric growth   Metamorphosis
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