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The Influence of Cotyledons in Axillary and Adventitious Shoot Production from Cotyledonary Nodes of Cucumis sativus L. (Cucumber)
Abstract:Cucumber explants including at least part of the cotyledon,a short section of hypocotyl, and the apical bud, are capableof producing multiple axillary buds from the seedling apex andadventitious shoots from the hypocotyl base in a medium whichcontains 2·0 mg dm–3 of kinetin. Removal of theapical bud triples the number of shoots produced from the apexof explants with two intact cotyledons but does not affect shootproduction from explants with some or all of their cotyledonsremoved. The area of intact cotyledon also influences morphogenesis,as explants with both cotyledons removed, failed to produceadventitious shoots from the hypocotyl base. Culture in continuousdarkness entirely prevents shoot development from the explantbase, but has little influence on shoot production from theapex. The influence of endogenous growth regulators and apicaldominance on the morphogenesis of shoots in cucumber seedlingsare discussed. Key words: Cucumber, cotyledons, apical dominance, morphogenesis, adventitious shoots, Cucumis sativus
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