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Nonindependent mating in a coral reef damselfish: evidence of mate choice copying in the wild
Authors:Goulet, Denis   Goulet, Tamar L.
Affiliation:Department of Biology, University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677, USA
Abstract:Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that mate choicecopying is a viable mating strategy under certain conditions.Copying experiments in fish have been conducted primarily inthe laboratory, except for one study conducted in the fieldunder artificial conditions. We investigated whether in a wildpopulation of the coral reef whitebelly damselfish (Amblyglyphidodonleucogaster) females copy the choice of other females. Femalespreferentially spawn with males that have recently mated. Todetermine if the presence of new eggs in the nest was the reasonfemales chose mates or whether females were mate choice copying,we conducted egg-switching experiments. Eggs from males thatrecently mated were donated to males that had no eggs. If femalesare mate choice copying, then donor males with no eggs in thenest should continue to receive additional eggs. If femalesare using the presence of new eggs as the criterion for matechoice, then foster males with new eggs should receive additionaleggs. We found that donor males received new eggs significantlymore often than expected. More females mated with donor malesthan foster males. Furthermore, females preferentially choseto mate with males whom they had seen mating with another female.Females appear to remember the mate choice of other femalesand choose to mate with those same males even after 1 day. Theseresults suggest that females may be copying the mating decisionof other females rather than choosing males based on the presenceof new eggs in the nest.
Keywords:copying   damselfish   female mate choice.
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