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Changes in Organelle Movement in the Nuclear Region during the Cell Cycle of Adiantum Protonema
Authors:Mineyuki, Yoshinobu   Takagi, Mikio   Furuya, Masaki
Affiliation:1Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan
2Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo Roppongi, Tokyo 106, Japan
Abstract:Movements of organelles in the nuclear region as the cell cycleprogresses in single-celled protonemata of Adiantum capillus-veneriswere examined by digital image processing techniques and microscopyof particle movement. Organelles in the nuclear region werenot very crowded and moving directionally along the longitudinalaxis of the filamentous cell in the G1 and S phases. They beganto gather and accumulate in the nuclear region in early G2 phase,after which directional movement changed to undirectional Brownianmotion-like movement in late G2 phase. Movement of organelleslocated on the lateral surface of the nucleus slowed after premitoticpositioning of nucleus and lasted until the nucleolus disappeared.Movement of organelles in the cytoplasm surrounding the nucleoplasmresumed just after the nucleolus disappeared, whereas organelleslocated in the outer regions of the apical and basal surfacesof the nucleus moved rapidly during prophase but did not moveduring metaphase, movement being resumed after chromosome separation.Thus, organelle movement in the nuclear region showed temporaland spatial change during the cell cycle. (Received August 24, 1983; Accepted December 28, 1983)
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