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Individual variations in habitat use and morphology in brook charr
Authors:P Bourke  P Magnan  ‡ M A Rodríguez  
Institution:Département de chimie-biologie, Universitédu Québec àTrois-Rivières, C.P. 500, Trois-Rivières, Québec, G9A 5H7, Canada;Département de biologie et des sciences de la santé, Universitédu Québec àRimouski, C.P. 3300, Rimouski, Québec, G5L 3A1, Canada
Abstract:The specific objectives of this study were to determine if there is individual specialization in habitat use by lacustrine brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis and if so, if specialization is related to fish morphology. Localizations of 28 brook charr equipped with thermosensitive radiotransmitters were recorded during three summers (1991, 1992, and 1993) in two lakes of the Mastigouche Reserve (Québec, Canada). Fifty per cent of the fish were found mainly in the benthic zone (hereafter benthic individuals), 18% in the pelagic zone (pelagic individuals), and 32% travelled regularly between the two zones (generalist individuals). The observed interindividual differences in habitat preference were related to differences in body morphology and coloration: (i) the pectoral fins of benthic and generalist individuals were significantly longer than those of pelagic ones; and (ii) the coloration of the lower flank of benthic and generalist individuals was silver-grey while that of pelagic individuals was red. The results of this study suggest that brook charr inhabiting oligotrophic lakes of the Canadian Shield exhibit trophic polymorphisms, where some individuals are specialists better adapted to feeding in the littoral zone whereas others are specialists better adapted to feeding in the pelagic zone. The potential for reproductive isolation between the two morphs is discussed.
Keywords:trophic polymorphisms  intraspecific competition  trophic morphology  coloration pattern  reproductive isolation
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