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Studies on chloroplast development in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii I. Effect of brief illumination on chlorophyll synthesis
Affiliation:Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University Sennan-gun, Osaka, Japan
Abstract:When dark grown cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii y-1 mutantwere exposed to continuous light, an immediate transformationof small amounts of protochlorophyll(ide), which had been presentin the dark grown cells, to chlorophyll was observed. Afterthis, there was a slow accumulation of chlorophyll lasting for2.5-3 hr before the start of exponential synthesis. Initialaccumulation of chlorophyll was distinctly slower at a highlight intensity (13,000 lux) than it was at moderate intensitiesof light (2,000–5,000 lux). However, the exponential synthesisof chlorophyll started after the same 2.5–3 hr of illumination. A brief pre-illumination of cells followed by incubation indarkness was effective in promoting chlorophyll synthesis undersubsequent continuous illumination at high, as well as moderatelight intensities. Pretreatment alleviated retardation of theinitial chlorophyll accumulation by light of high intensity.The promoting effect of preillumination on chlorophyll synthesiswas sufficient, even when a light impulse as short as 10 secwas given. However, the effect was dependent on length of thedark period after the short pre-illumination. The full extentof this effect was observed when the dark period was about 2.5–3hr long. Further dark incubation gradually decreased the effect. On the basis of these findings, it is assumed that a factor(s)responsible for promotion of chlorophyll (or chloroplast) synthesisin the process of greening of dark grown cells is produced duringthe dark period after a brief pre-illumination, and that thefactor is turned over at a relatively fast rate. The possiblenature of the presumed factor is discussed in relation to chloroplastdevelopment. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Kobe University, Nada-ku, Kobe, Japan. (Received August 18, 1970; )
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