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Feeding efficiencies of Chironomus plumosus (L.) and C. anthracinus Zett. (Diptera: Chironomidae) in mesotrophic Lake Erken
Affiliation:Institute of Limnology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  • 1 Absorption efficiencies of nitrogen and carbon in two Chironomus species found dominating in the profundal zone of mesotrophic Lake Erken were determined gravimetrically.
  • 2 Absorption efficiencies for C. plumosus showed greater seasonal variation than those of C. anthracinus, with low efficiencies coinciding with the summer dominance of flagellate phytoplankton and with high C:N ratios.
  • 3 Overall mean absorption efficiencies (±SE) for carbon and nitrogen, respectively, were 26.8% (±1.9) and 29.3% (±1.9) for C. plumosus, 24.6% (±1.7) and 28.1% (±1.8) for C. anthracinus.
  • 4 Significant differences were found to exist between the C: N ratios of the superficial 2 cm sediment layers and those of Chironomus anterior midgut contents.
  • 5 C. anthracinus appears to be a deposit feeder ingesting particulate matter scraped from the recently deposited surface sediments. The greater seasonal variation found in the absorption efficiencies of C. plumosus, together with the lower C:N ratios, support the contention that this species is a filter feeder with the nutritional quality of ingested matter depending primarily on pelagic inputs.
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