Besprechungen/Reviews |
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Abstract: | Book reviewed in this article: Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Duncan, P. (1980): Time-budgets of Camargue horses Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Deputte, B. L. (1980): Le comportement de “renserrement” Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Vince, M. A. , und F. M. Toosey (1980): Posthatching effects of repeated prehatching stimulation with an alien sound Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Zahavi, A. (1980): Ritualization and the evolution of movement signals Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Todt, D. , und A. Fiebelkorn (1980): Display, Timing and function of wing movements accompanying antiphonal duets of Cichladusa guttata Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Las, A. (1980): Male courtship persistence in the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Simpson, M. J. A. , und S. Howe (1980): The interpretation of individual differences in Rhesus monkey infants Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Mock, D. W. (1980): Communication strategies of great blue herons and great egrets Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Regal, Ph. J. , und M. S. Connolly (1980): Social influences on biological rhythms Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Roeder, J.-J. (1980): Marking behaviour and olfactory recognition in genets Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Burley, R. A. (1980): Pre-copulatory and copulatory behaviour in relation to stages of the oestrous cycle in the female mongolian gerbil Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Schütz, E. (1980): Die Wirkung von Untergrund und Nestmaterial auf das Nestbauverhalten des Dreistachligen Stichlings Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Veith, W. J. (1979): Reproduction in the live-bearing teleost Clinus superciliosus Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Ribbink, A. J., A. C. Marsh, B. Marsh und B. J. Sharp (1980): Parental behaviour and mixed broods among cichlid fish of Lake Malawi Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Packer, W. C. (1980): Nestbuilding and activity patterns in four sympatric rodent species Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Peterson, E. L. (1980): The temporal pattern of mosquito flight activity Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Tomlinson, D. N. S. (1980): Aspects of the expressive behaviour of the waterbuck Kobus e. ellipsiprymnus in a Rhodesian Game Park Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Stobbs, R. E. (1980): Feeding habits of the giant clingfish Chorisochismus dentex Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Picker, M. (1980): Xenopus laevis (Anura: Pipidae) mating systems—A preliminary synthesis with some data on the female phonoresponse |
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