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Agglutination,Toxigenicity and Sorbitol Fermentation of Clostridium difficile
Authors:Shinichi Nakamura  Toshihiko Serikawa  Masato Mikawa  Satoshi Nakashio  Kiyotaka Yamakawa  Shoki Nishida
Abstract:A total of 79 Clostridium difficile strains from different sources (50 strains from the fecal specimens of healthy adults, 13 from patients receiving antibiotics without gastrointestinal complications, 13 from antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) or diarrhea patients, and three strains from ATCC) were investigated for agglutinability, using formol-treated cells as antigen, in relation to toxigenicity. C. difficile strains tested were divided into four serovars, I, II, III, and IV, by the cross-agglutination test. The agglutinin absorption test revealed that strains of serovar I, agglutinable with high titers (5,120–10,240) to antiserum prepared against a highly toxigenic C. difficile strain, ATCC 17859, possessed the serovar-specific antigen. All of the strains of serovar I were highly toxigenic and all 13 strains isolated from the fecal specimens of antibiotic-associated PMC or diarrhea patients belonged to this serovar, whereas 19 (38%) out of 50 strains from healthy adults and four (30.8%) out of 13 strains from patients receiving antibiotics without gastrointestinal complications possessed this antigen. None of the strains of other clostridial species than C. difficile were agglutinated by the three reference antisera used. Further study on the sugar fermentation test disclosed that the sorbitol-fermenting property of C. difficile is very closely related to the toxigenicity and agglutinability.
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