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Parathyroid Glands of Amphibians. II. Structural and Biochemical Changes in Amphibian Tissues Elicited by Parathyroid Hormone Under Varying Conditions of Season and Temperature
Authors:McWhinnie, Dolores J.   Cortelyou, John R.
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, De Paul University Chicago, Illinois 60614
Abstract:The parathyroid glands have received relatively little attentionwith regard to their impact on the internal milieu in amphibians.Present information, however, clearly indicates that distributionof mineral in frog tissues and body fluids is under hormonalregulation; further modifications are imposed by season andtemperature. Under conditions of cold acclimation or duringwinter normal amphibian bone shows minimal rates of carbohydrateutilization: simultaneously, phosphate is conserved by reducedexcretion and increased incorporation in tissue. Exogenous parathyroidhormone, injected under these conditions when endogenous titersmay be low due to glandular degeneration, reverses these effects,and phosphate is lost in a hyperphosphaturic urine. During summeror periods of warm acclimation, hormone promotes incorporationof phosphate in tissues, and increases rates of carbohydratemetabolism in bone; citric acid, which may act in solubilizingbone mineral, is elevated in the bone. Concurrently, pre-existingsulfated mucopolysaccharides of "old" bone may be degraded,while epiphyseal zones enlarge and may exhibit accelerated orabnormal elaboration of sulfated components of cartilage and/orosteoid matrix.
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