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Phylogenetic relationships of nonaxenic filamentous cyanobacterial strains based on 16S rRNA sequence analysis
Authors:Bart Nelissen  Raymond De Baere  Annick Wilmotte  Rupert De Wachter
Affiliation:(1) Departement Biochemie, Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA), Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerpen, Belgium;(2) Present address: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium
Abstract:In order to determine the nearly complete 16S rRNA gene sequences of cyanobacteria originating from nonaxenic cultures, a cyanobacterium-specific oligonucleotide probe was developed to distinguish polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of the cyanobacterial rRNA operons from those resulting from amplification of contaminating bacteria. Using this screening method the 16S rRNA genes of four nonaxenic filamentous cyanobacterial strains belonging to the generaLeptolyngbya andOscillatoria were cloned and sequenced. For the genusLeptolyngbya, the 16S rRNA sequence of the axenic strain PCC 73110 was also determined. Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on complete and partial sequences. The results show that the strainsLeptolyngbya foveolarum Komárek 1964/112,Leptolyngbya sp. VRUC 135 Albertano 1985/1, andLeptolyngbya boryanum PCC 73110 belong to the same cluster. StrainOscillatoria cf.corallinae SAG 8.92, which contains the rare photosynthetic pigment CU-phycoerythrin, is not closely related to other CU-phycoerythrin-containing cyanobacteria.Oscillatoria agardhii CYA 18, which is a representative of planktonicOscillatoria species that form toxic blooms in Norwegian inland waters, has no close relatives in the tree.
Keywords:Evolution  Ribosomal RNA  Cyanobacteria  Leptolyngbya  Oscillatoria
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