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摘    要:为了调查苎麻田金龟子的种类及发生规律,于2013年4~9月,在湖北省咸宁市咸安区苎麻科技示范园进行了频振式杀虫灯诱虫试验,系统诱集金龟子并鉴定种类,分析灯下不同金龟子种群动态。结果表明:频振式杀虫灯在苎麻田诱集金龟子类4科10种,以铜绿丽金龟Anomala corpulenta Motschulsky和暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky为绝对优势种类。金龟子从4月末至9月初均灯下可见,5月中旬至6月上旬为铜绿丽金龟诱集高峰,6月上旬至7月中旬为暗黑腮金龟诱集高峰期。

关 键 词:金龟子;频振式杀虫灯;诱虫种类;诱集动态

Scarabs species composition and population dynamics of dominant species under forecast lamp in ramie field
Abstract:In order to investigate on species and population dynamics of Scarabs in ramie field, traping experiments by frequency trembler destroy pests lamp in Xianning Ramie science-technology demonstration park from April to September, 2013, Species of scarabs and their population dynamics of dominant species under forecast lamp were investigated. The results indicated that 10 species of scarabs belong to 4 families were trapped by frequoscillation pest-killing lamp in ramie field, The dominant species of scarabs were Anomala corpulenta Motschulsky and Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky. Scarabs were trapped from late April to early September, the emergence peak of Anomala corpulenta Motschulsky and Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky were from mid-May to early June and from early june to mid-july.
Keywords:Scarabs   frequency trembler destroy pests lamp   trapping species   trapping dynamics
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