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摘    要:对井冈山自然保护区蛾类群落的多样性及其受人为干扰的影响进行了研究。结果显示:(1)人为干扰导致井冈山自然保护区蛾类群落构成有较大差别,严重干扰导致蛾类科数明显降低;物种数和个体数呈现出随着人为干扰加强而降低的趋势;蛾类各优势科在不同人为干扰样点的相对多度存在差异。(2)人为干扰导致蛾类主要科的物种数和个体数变化不同:尺蛾科、夜蛾科、毒蛾科和舟蛾科的物种数和个体数在人为干扰下降低;轻度和中度干扰导致螟蛾科和天蛾科的物种数和个体数升高,重度干扰下物种数和个体数降低;人为干扰导致灯蛾科的物种数和苔蛾科的个体数升高。(3)人为干扰导致蛾类群落Shannon多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数降低,Berger-Parker优势度指数升高。(4)人为干扰对蛾类群落的物种数和个体数的时间动态影响较大,对Shannon指数和Pielou均匀度指数时间动态影响较小,导致Berger-Parker优势度指数时间波动幅度增大。(5)人为干扰导致样点间蛾类群落相似性较低。

关 键 词:井冈山国家级自然保护区;蛾类群落;多样性;人为干扰

Diversity of moth communities and variation along artificial disturbance gradient in Mount Jinggangshan National Nature Reserve, China
Abstract:The diversity of moth communities and its variation under artificial disturbance in Mount Jinggangshan National Nature Reserve were surveyed and analyzed. The moth composition remarkably differed under the different artificial disturbance. Numbers of family in moth communities decreased with high disturbance. Species richness and abundance of moth communities decreased along disturbance gradient. Relative abundance of dominant families varied with disburbance. Variation of species richness and abundance of chiefly moth families was different with disturbance: species richness and abundance of Geometridae, Noctuidae, Lymantriidae and Notodontidae decreased with disturbance; species richness and abundance of Pyralidae and Sphingidae increased with low and medium disturbance, but decreased with high disturbance; species richness of Arctiidae and abundance of Lithosiidae increased with disturbance. Shannon index and Pielou evenness index decreased, but Berger-Parker dominance index of moth communities increased with disturbance. The temporal dynamics of the species richness and abundance varied significantly, Shannon index and Pielou evenness index varied inconspicuous and Berger-Parker dominance index fluctuated most with disturbance. Similarity coefficient was low across the disturbance gradient.
Keywords:Mount Jinggangshan National Nature Reserve   moth communities   biodiversity   artificial disturbance
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